A common mobile phase solvent used in peptide LCMS and other LCMS applications is 0.1% Formic Acid with 0.01%
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). Formic Acid+TFA mobile phase solvent is intended to increase the MS signal obtained (versus TFA alone), while still obtaining the chromatographic benefits of TFA.
Each Formic Acid+TFA ampule contains 1.0 mL of Proteomics Grade Formic Acid (> 99.0% pure) and 0.1 mL of Proteomics Grade TFA (> 99.9% pure), making preparation of 1 liter of mobile phase at 0.1% v/v Formic Acid + 0.01% TFA a snap (1 ampule in 1 liter of solvent). This concentration of TFA and Formic Acid is ideal for giving adequate separation with minimal ion suppression due to ion pairing effects. Ten Formic Acid+TFA Amps are sold in each package.
Molecular Weight: Mixture of Compounds
CAS Number: N/A
Note: Sold for nonmedical use only. Not to be used or sold as a drug for humans or animals.