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ProteoChem’s LCMS water is ideally suited for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS applications. Our highly refined LCMS grade water is tested for optimal HPLC and LCMS performance. ProteoChem’s LCMS water is designed to minimize LCMS noise caused by ionizable impurities, as well as provide a stable baseline for the highest sensitivity HPLC and LCMS applications.
ProteoChem also offers an exceptionally high purity HPLC Grade Water.
With ProteoChem's LCMS Grade Solvents, scientists can expect a consistent, high purity product which is necessary to create reliable mass spectrometry and chromatography methods and protocols. Each lot of solvent is analyzed to ensure ultra-low metal abundance, UV absorbances are minimal, and that other ionizable materials are minimized; which can be critical in assuring maximum mass spectrometry sensitivity.
CAS Number: 7732-18-5
Molecular Formula: H2O
Molecular Weight: 18.01
Alternative Name: LC/MS Grade Water; Water LCMS; Water LC/MS
ProteoChem LCMS Water is assayed to meet the following minimum specifications:
Test |
Residue after Evaporation |
≤ 1 ppm |
Ultraviolet Absorbance Test |
Passes Test |
Refractive Index (20ºC) |
1.3325 to 1.3335 |
HPLC Gradient Elution |
Passes Test |
Fluorescence (as quinine base) |
≤ 0.30 ppb |
LCMS Positive Mode (as reserpine) |
≤ 50 ppb |
LCMS Positive Mode (as caffeine) |
≤ 100 ppb |
Trace Metals |
Passes Test |
LC-MS Negative Mode (as 4-nitrophenol) |
≤ 50 ppb |
LCMS Water is packed as a 1L bottle in a 6"x6"x12" box weighing 8 lbs.