Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is an effective ion pairing agent for HPLC and proteomics LCMS applications which are regularly used to resolve chromatographically similar analytes. In peptide separations, ProteoChem's LCMS grade TFA in amber glass ampules is proven to improve peak shape and resolution.
ProteoChem’s LCMS Trifluoroacetic acid is among the highest purity TFA available (> 99.9% pure). The high purity and low absorbance cut-off of ProteoChem's LCMS grade TFA makes it ideal for preparing mobile phase solvents for HPLC and LCMS studies.
Each TFA ampule contains 1.0 gm of Proteomics Grade TFA. Ten TFA amps are sold in each package.
Click here for: Trifluoroacetic Acid Protocol and Product Information Sheet
Molecular Weight: 114.03
CAS Number: 76-05-1
Alternative Names: TFA Ampoules; Trifluoroacetic Acid Ampoules; TFA Amps
Special pricing is available for bulk quantities of TFA and custom ampule sizes for your large volume manufacturing application.
Note: Sold for nonmedical use only. Not to be used or sold as a drug for humans or animals.