Carbohydrate-Reactive Resin (hydrazide-agarose, HYD-Agarose) is a coupling resin is used for immobilizing glycones and other glycated molecules, including glycoproteins and antibodies through their carbohydrates (compare to Thermo Scientific Carbolink or Pierce Carbolink *). Carbohydrate-Reactive Resin is supplied as a 50% slurry (15mL resin = 30mL slurry).
Carbohydrate-Reactive Agarose Resin is a chemically modified agarose gel with a hydrazide group immobilized on 6% crosslinked agarose. The bead size is 45 to 165 um. It is ideal for for coupling small ligands containing reactive formyl groups or to immobilize proteins that contain oxidizable carbohydrates. For glycoproteins, the coupling reaction takes place by oxidizing the carbohydrate group on your glycoprotein with Sodium meta-Periodate and combining the oxidized glycoprotein with the resin. The spacer arm in this resin enables increased coupling efficiency by reducing sterics.
Click here for: Carbohydrate-Reactive Protocol & Product Information Sheet
* Pierce Carbolink is a registered trademark of Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Thermo Scientific is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.